No one is ready for the box of cereal

A Strong Soldier

Your Strength is Your Best Weapon

Remember the scene in Hurt Locker, when our hero comes home and is given the choice of finding a box of cereal in the grocery isle?  It is a quiet and emotional view of America.  There are many boxes of cereal, and the isle is perfectly packed.  The image is very hurtful and poignant; if you have lived through the brutality of war, you do not need cereal.  You need some kind of mental eraser to help you out a little bit.

Amnesia would be an amazing gift.  You cold find so much to enjoy, if you could only go back to the time before you were a solider.  It would be so great to have just one day.

So much to think about here.  If you play the devil’s advocate, you would never be the amazing and powerful person you are right now without the pain of your experiences.  And, there is some form of beauty in being alive to tell the story.  You are someone who can rule the world-if you could only get a grasp of your emotions.

I do not want to play down any of your experiences.  You are an individual who has a war story that is different for every solider.  The story too, is most likely something you have told few.   You do not like having to voice the stuff you saw.  The people you tell usually are those who have their own solider stories, because, they are the only ones who understand.

What you do need to understand is, there is a way to objectively find some peace in your mind.  Do not turn to booze, or cigarettes for your relief.  The simple plan to just go out and have a good time is usually a good one at the beginning, but you can end up using this excuse too much and too often.  You need some way to think about your experiences with insight.  You can not do this when you are emotionally bound.

This will take some time.  You need to talk to someone who understands.  The powers that be have some great resources for you to follow, and they are doing their best to ensure your story is heard, and heard in the right way.  Be patient with yourself.  Let yourself feel bad, and remember it will not last.  It will take time.

Our emotions are stuck in the bottom parts of our minds, slowly twisting and turning our thoughts when we need some encouragement to work through our emotional issues.  With time, you are going to deal with these emotions, and handle them to a positive outcome.

Your strength is what made you who you are.  Our country needs this strength more than ever.  You need to know America is grateful for your service.  You need to be patient with your emotions and let them wind themselves out.  Take time, be kind to yourself, and breathe your way through anger and pain.

The cereal isle is one step.  It is amazing how one daily task can bring up some raw and challenging emotions.  If you are rested, and quiet, you can find the strength to watch the emotion rescue you towards your new and impressive life.

Your strength lies in being patient, and letting your emotions lead you further towards your new life.  If you have the time to find your way patiently, you can evolve past the pain.

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